
Utsukusy cosmetics set Platinum PROFESSIONAL

  • Utsukusy cosmetics set Platinum PROFESSIONAL

    Anti-age, Depigmentation

  • Platinum cosmetics line - Brightening effect on pigment and age spots, giving the skin a glow.

    The set includes:

    1. Reconstructive, reparative cream face mask, 200ml
    2. 25 pcs. Platinum sheets
    3. Platinum Cream 200 ml
    4. Platinum sterile serum in ampoules 2 X 15 ml
    5. 2 syringes for serums

    PLATINUM CREAM - Helps to revive the skin by optimally adapting to the epidermis and restoring its structure. Has an extremely effective lightening effect on age spots.

    MICROACTIVE Platinum: Stimulates the production of Sirtuin, a longevity protein that increases cell longevity. Blocks neurogenetic reactions, reduces age spots and optimizes cell nutrition. Due to the unique properties of this material, it is usually included only in extremely high-quality skin care products.

    Advantages of microactive Platinum:

    • Whitens age and pigment spots, gives a more even tone. Prevents the formation of stains.
    • Improves the skin's ability to reflect light, gives a glow and evens out the skin.
    • optimizing cell nutrition
    • Has antioxidant properties
    • Stimulates collagen production
    • In case of problematic skin, it has a soothing, acne-clearing effect
    • Gives the skin firmness and elasticity.
    • Suitable for all skin types.

    ALOE VERA: Provides continuous skin hydration. Stimulates skin regeneration and protective processes, soothes damaged, reactive or reddened skin.


    PLATINUM sterile serum in an ampoule, as well as Platinum cream, contains the main active ingredient - Platinum.

    The serum is intended for skin with signs of aging, (has an anti-aging effect), skin with dark spots, and also improves skin firmness.


    PLATINUM SHEETS - Excellent conductor of all active substances.

    The platinum sheets have an occlusive effect, resulting in greater penetration or absorption of the active ingredients. The sheets support the effectiveness of the skin's barrier and stimulate the diffusion of water into the skin. It also provides a glow and firming effect that helps slow down the aging process of the skin. Platinum sheets have antioxidant and protective properties.



    Perfect for restoring skin firmness, has skin intoxicating properties. Moisturizes and protects the skin tissue from external aggressions.
    Suitable for all skin types, even sensitive.

    The main active ingredients of the mask:

    • IN SINAC

    Performance results:

    • Soothing
    • Anti-irritant product
    • Strengthens
    • Deeply moisturizes
    • Regenerates

    Usage protocol:

    • Indications: ALL SKIN TYPES, recommended for skin pigmentation, age spots.
    • Area of ​​use: face
    • Duration of the procedure in the salon: 40-50 minutes
    • Number of procedures: according to skin type and professional assessment of skin condition

    Purpose: Intensive smoothing effect, giving the skin lightness, whiteness and purity. Reducing the visibility of spots.

    List of products required for the procedure:

    • Utsukusy Basic Line cleansing facial milk
    • Utsukusy BIJIN Cleansing Face Cream
    • Utsukusy Basic Line micellar water
    • Utsukusy Platinum serum in ampoule
    • Utsukusy REPAIR-RECONSTRUCTION face mask
    • A damp terrycloth or disposable towel
    • Usukusy Platinum facial skin cream (in addition to this cream you can use Utsukusy CC, EE, DD cream with SPF50)



    Facial cleansing (Procedure and products suitable for Protocol 1 and Protocol 2):

    1: Cleanse the skin with BASIC LINE Cleansing Milk to remove make-up and its residues. We wash everything with a moistened terrycloth/disposable towel

    2: Clean the skin with BIJIN skin cleansing cream, massage in circular motions for 5 minutes. Remove with cold water and a terry towel.

    3: Tone your face with BASIC LINE micellar water.

    4: Optional*: Perform a chemical facial exfoliation with TRIACIDAS DERMA PEEL PRO acid, Neutralize the acid and remove with plenty of water.


    Protocol 1: Hand technique only + Kobido massage

    1: Apply AURUM OR PLATINUM SERUM all over the face, neck and décolletage area. Do not wash off.
    2: Then massage the cream for 10-15 minutes all over the face, neck and décolleté area, manipulating upwards using the kOBIDO Japanese lifting technique.
    3: Do not rinse
    4: Apply a thin layer of Restorative Deconstructive Mask and apply sheets to continue the synergy of the metals
    *Apply the sheets with dry gloves or hands impregnated with talcum powder (15 min.).
    5: Remove the sheets in the most convenient way for you. (We recommend massaging them in until the sheets are dusty, curled up and the mask residue is fully absorbed into the skin, then remove with a damp terry cloth/disposable towel).
    6: Optional*: Apply a restorative deconstructive mask.
    7: Distribute a few drops of Platinum Serum (2 times)
    8: Finish the procedure by massaging Platinum cream

    Protocol 2: Hardware procedure + Chemical peeling of the skin

    1. Perform a chemical facial exfoliation with TRIACIDAS DERMA PEEL PRO acid, Neutralize the acid and remove with plenty of water.
    2. Enter the PLATINUM serum with the Derma Pen tool or the Mesotherapy machine (optional needle or needleless Mesotherapy). Divide the serum into zones and introduce the serum little by little (over the entire face, neck and décolleté area). Do not rinse.
    3. Apply a thin layer of Restorative Deconstructive Mask and apply sheets to continue metal synergy *Apply sheets with dry gloves or hands impregnated with talcum powder (15 min).
    4. Remove the sheets in the most convenient way for you. (We recommend massaging them in until the sheets are dusty, curled, and the mask residue is fully absorbed into the skin, then remove with a damp terrycloth/disposable towel).
    5. *Optional: Apply a few drops of Platinum Serum (no introduction).
    6. Finish the procedure by massaging Platinum cream. Then massage the whole face, neck and décolletage with the cream for 10-15 minutes.


    Manufacturer: Spain
    Responsible person: TATIANA GIMENEZ SL, Spain
    Distributor: MB Beautyfor LT, Lithuania
    Validity: See date of manufacture on the packaging.

    Composition: See on the manufacturer's packaging.