
PRO STERIL sterilization envelopes 100×200 mm transparent, 100 pcs.

  • PRO STERIL sterilization envelopes 100×200 mm transparent, 100 pcs.

  • Kraft sterilization bags made of craft paper with a transparent surface for even more convenient sterilization.

    Kraft packaging has indicators that allow you to distinguish sterilized instruments from non-sterilized ones by color changes.

    If the sterilizer worked properly, the external indicators will change to the color specified in the standard, for example, beige will turn purple.

    The indicators are applied to the packaging, accessible for visual inspection. At the end of the sterilization cycle, the indicator label of each indicator is compared to the color of a reference standard.

    If the indicator shows a negative control result, all instruments processed in this cycle are considered non-sterile.

    Sterilization packages contain the following information:

    • Name of product
    • size
    • manufacturer's name (trademark)
    • acceptable method of sterilization
    • Do not use the warning label if the packaging is damaged.
    • explanatory diagram showing opening the package with scissors
    • expected indicator color after sterilization

    The peculiarity of transparent Kraft bags is that they allow air molecules to pass through, but at the same time filter out bacteria and other microorganisms.

    After sterilization under the influence of high temperature, microorganisms inside the bag die, and after processing, new ones do not appear from the external environment, which ensures the preservation of the sterility of instruments.

    Sterilization envelopes are designed for treating instruments with air (sterilization temperature 160-180°C) and steam (sterilization temperature 121-134°C).


    • moisture resistance – the bag does not get wet when in contact with steam and a humid environment, retains its tightness

    • Preservation of material quality at high temperatures, and the strength and tightness of the packaging do not lose quality.

    • Large selection of sizes and shapes – allows you to choose the appropriate packaging for each tool.

    • Tight fastenings: adhesive tape.

    • Compliance with GOST requirements.

    • Easy disposal, does not harm the environment, because craft material breaks down quickly



    The bags are used in medical institutions, cosmetology, beauty salons for air sterilization of manicure and medical instruments in dry-heat ovens, autoclaves and other devices.

    The sterilization procedure consists of three stages: manual or automatic cleaning of instruments, disinfection of instruments in special solutions and subsequent sterilization of dry instruments in a dry-heat oven. The third stage uses paper bags.

    Immediately before placing instruments in a dry-heat oven, they should be packaged (the bag should be sealed). After the procedure, this set of tools can be stored immediately before starting work. The packaging is opened in front of the buyer.


    Made in Ukraine.