
Facial skin massager, roller Be Osom Obsidian Jade Massage Roller

  • Facial skin massager, roller Be Osom Obsidian Jade Massage Roller

  • Nothing gives a woman more self-confidence than a perfect, glowing and youthful complexion. That's why "Be Osom" has created a simple, but extremely effective facial skin massager, which will allow you to enjoy the youth of your skin for longer, protect against the appearance of wrinkles and fight the emerging signs of skin aging.

    This "Be Osom" facial massager-roller is made of 100% natural black obsidian, which has extremely strong energetic properties. This stone has been used in magical rituals since ancient times. It is the stone with the strongest effect, carrying the power of the volcano. The power of obsidian helps to focus, destroys confusion and creates a positive, positive atmosphere. It also provides peace, relieves tension and relaxes.

    With this "Be Osom" facial skin massager - a roller, it is extremely easy to use - spend just a few minutes a day massaging your face and neck and enjoy a recovered and glowing facial skin!

    Distinctive features of Be Osom facial skin massager:

    Made of obsidian jade;

    Can be used on any area of ​​the face: forehead, neck, nose, mouth area, cheeks and sensitive eye area;

    The natural stone cools the skin, and the massage relaxes tense tissues;

    Reduces the visibility of expression lines and other small facial wrinkles;

    Tightens the facial skin and gives it elasticity;

    Cleanses toxins, reduces signs of stress and tension in the face;

    Reduces enlarged facial pores;

    Improves blood circulation of the facial skin;

    Ergonomic design;

    Very convenient to use.