Device ELEGANTE 5in1: darsonval + electroplating + vacuum + spraying + electrocoagulator
Device ELEGANTE 5in1: darsonval + electroplating + vacuum + spraying + electrocoagulator
Code: 125822-
"ELEGANTE GRAY LINE" is a particularly durable and high-quality device. Intuitive operation of the device and excellent quality will ensure efficient and pleasant work of the beautician. A wide selection of functions will provide an opportunity to increase the offer of the beauty salon.
1. Microdermabrasion + vacuum
2. Darsonval
3. Electroplating
4. Electrocoagulator
5. Spray/Sparay
Technical data :- voltage 230 V
- output frequency 50 / 60Hz
- power: 60W
- weight: 5.5 kg
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