Barber sink GABBIANO AMSTERDAM, black sp.
Barber sink GABBIANO AMSTERDAM, black sp.
Code: 128135-
Professional hairdressing washer. Extremely comfortable, solidly made. The furniture with a modern design perfectly complements the hairdressing salon. The improved seat of the washing chair is made of high-quality, easy-care EKO leather. The silicone head neck padding placed on the edge of the ceramic sink stabilizes the client's head and allows him to comfortably lean his head on the sink. The ceramic bowl has the ability to adjust its inclination.
Technical information:
- Total height: 96cm
- Length: 90cm
- Seat dimensions: 56x50cm
- Weight of the washing machine: 51 kg
- Materials: ceramics, EKO (artificial) leather, stainless steel.
- Italian design
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